A big week for workers
What a week! Started with the federal fiscal update, delivered by Canada's first-ever female Finance Minister, a member of Canada's first self-declared feminist government, in the middle of Canada's first-ever she-cession. It ended with the last Labour Force Survey update of 2020, which showed the recovery is stalling, and women are not catching up. And in between these bookends was a dive into the reality of how everything plays out — at the local level.
I took a deeper dive with Kirsty March at Yahoo Finance Canada, with the questions that have been on my mind all week (and maybe yours.) Are we spending too much? Or too little? Are we spending on the right things? How long should we be spending for? What do we mean now when we talk about economic growth?
But here’s a quick take for you, this minute.
Find me on Twitter @ArmineYalnizyan, and on Instagram @futureofworkers.
The Atkinson Fellow on the Future of Workers is supported by the Atkinson Foundation. Find more information here.